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Gestor bibliográfico Crisis y Salud

Título Autor / Publicación
The Great Recession's impact on children.
Autoría_short Oberg CN.
Fuente_short Matern Child Health J. 2011
The Great Recession, adolescent smoking and smoking inequalities: What role does youth unemployment play in 24 European countries?
Autoría_short Rathmann K, Pförtner TK, Elgar FJ, Hurrelmann K, Richter M.
Fuente_short Nicotine Tob Res. 2016
The Great Recession, financial strain and self-assessed health in Ireland
Autoría_short Mazeikaite G, et al.
Fuente_short Eur J Health Econ 2019
The Great Recession, Life Events, and Mental Health of Older Adults.
Autoría_short Pruchno R, Heid AR, Wilson-Genderson M.
Fuente_short Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2016
The Great Recession, somatic symptomatology and alcohol use and abuse.
Autoría_short Vijayasiri G, Richman JA, et al
Fuente_short Addict Behav. 2012
The great recession, youth unemployment and inequalities in psychological health complaints in adolescents: a multilevel study in 31 countries.
Autoría_short Rathmann K, Pförtner TK, Hurrelmann K, Osorio AM, Bosakova L, Elgar FJ, Richter M.
Fuente_short Int J Public Health. 2016
The Greek economic crisis: a primary health-care perspective.
Autoría_short Oikonomou N, Tountas Y.
Fuente_short Lancet. 2011
The Greek financial crisis and homicide rates: another reason to worry.
Autoría_short Michas G, Varytimiadi A, et al
Fuente_short J Epidemiol Community Health, 2013
The Greek financial crisis: maintaining medical education against the odds.
Autoría_short Kontos M, Moris D, Zografos N, Liakakos T.
Fuente_short Postgrad Med J. 2015
The health care reform in Portugal: Outcomes from both the New Public Management and the economic crisis.
Autoría_short Nunes AM, Ferreira DC.
Fuente_short Int J Health Plann Manage. 2019
The Health Consequences of Neocolonialism for Latin American Immigrant Women Working as Caregivers in Spain: A Multisite Qualitative Analysis
Autoría_short Briones-Vozmediano E, Rivas-Quarneti N, et al
Fuente_short Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020
The health effects of economic decline
Autoría_short Catalano R, Goldman-Mellor S, et al
Fuente_short Annual review of public health 2011
The health effects of the global financial crisis: can we reconcile the differing views? A network analysis of literature across disciplines.
Autoría_short Stuckler D, Reeves A, et al
Fuente_short Health Econ Policy Law. 2015
The health of adults undergoing an eviction process
Autoría_short Bolívar Muñoz J, Bernal Solano M, Mateo Rodríguez I, Daponte Codina A, Escudero Espinosa C, Sánchez Cantalejo C, González Usera I, Robles Ortega H, Mata Martín JL, Fernández Santaella MC, Vila Castellar J.
Fuente_short Gac Sanit. 2016
The health of foreign workers: an Italian and international priority
Autoría_short Bena A, Giraudo M.
Fuente_short Recenti Prog Med. 2017
The health of Italians before and after the economic crisis of 2008
Autoría_short Sarti S, Vitalini A.
Fuente_short Health Soc Care Community 2021
The health of the elderly in Spain during the economic crisis
Autoría_short Lorenzo-Carrascosa L.
Fuente_short Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2018
The Health Plan for Catalonia: an instrument to transform the health system
Autoría_short Constante i Beitia C.
Fuente_short Med Clin (Barc). 2015
The help for people with money, employment or housing problems (HOPE) intervention: pilot randomised trial with mixed methods feasibility research.
Autoría_short Barnes MC, Haase AM, Scott LJ, Linton MJ, Bard AM, Donovan JL, Davies R, Dursley S, Williams S, Elliott D, Potokar J, Kapur N, Hawton K, O´Connor RC, Hollingworth W, Metcalfe C, Gunnell D.
Fuente_short Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2018
The heterogeneous effects of the great recession on informal care to the elderly
Autoría_short Carro, Pronkina
Fuente_short Int J Health Econ Manag. 2022