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"We Have No Rights". Arbitrary imprisonment and cruel treatment of migrants with mental health issues in Canada

Titulo "We Have No Rights". Arbitrary imprisonment and cruel treatment of migrants with mental health issues in Canada
Autoría Gros H, van Groll P.
Fuente Toronto: University of Toronto
Resumen In this important study, authors Hanna Gros and Paloma van Groll and editor Renu Mandhane shine the light of day on a contemporary manifestation of this callousness – the detention by Canada of thousands of persons every year, a substantial number of them in common jails. Beyond its truly massive scale, the study shows that migrant incarceration by Canada often operates in something approaching a legal “black hole” – for example, that key decisions, including the decision to detain in a provincial jail, are made without legislative authority. The study concludes that Canada’s approach to migrant detention often amounts to a violation of international duties to avoid arbitrary detention, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, and discrimination; and, perhaps most important, that it fails to live up to the internationally binding commitment to ensure an effective remedy for conduct in violation of those norms.
URL www.law.utoronto.ca/utfl_file/count/media/ihrp_we_have_no_rights_report_web_version_final_170615.pdf
Tipo de documento Informe
Impacto en el sistema sanitario Otras medidas
Impacto en la salud Salud mental