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The impact of unemployment cycles on child and maternal health in Argentina.

Titulo The impact of unemployment cycles on child and maternal health in Argentina.
Autoría Wehby GL, Gimenez LG, López-Camelo JS.
Fuente Int J Public Health. 2017 Mar;62(2):197-207. doi: 10.1007/s00038-016-0857-1.
Resumen OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of economic cycles in Argentina on infant and maternal health between 1994 and 2006, a period that spans the major economic crisis in 1999-2002. METHODS: We evaluate the effects of province-level unemployment rates on several infant health outcomes, including birth weight, gestational age, fetal growth rate, and hospital discharge status after birth in a sample of 15,000 infants born in 13 provinces. Maternal health and healthcare outcomes include acute and chronic illnesses, infectious diseases, and use of prenatal visits and technology. Regression models control for hospital and year fixed effects and province-specific time trends. RESULTS: Unemployment rise reduces fetal growth rate particularly among high educated parents. Also, maternal poverty-related infectious diseases increase, although reporting of acute illnesses declines (an effect more pronounced among low educated parents). There is also some evidence for reduced access to prenatal care and technology among less educated parents with higher unemployment. CONCLUSIONS: Unemployment rise in Argentina has adversely affected certain infant and maternal health outcomes, but several measures show no evidence of significant change.
URL www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27572492
Tipo de documento Artículo cientifico
Impacto en el sistema sanitario --
Impacto en la salud Salud sexual/reproductiva