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Gestor bibliográfico Crisis y Salud

The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU Country.

Titulo The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU Country.
Autoría Lladós Vila J, Freixes T.
Fuente European Union, Brussels 2015.

Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Spain. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future. Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Spain. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future. Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Spain. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future. Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Spain. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future. Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study looks into the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures which were introduced as a response thereto, to the enjoyment of a set of selected fundamental rights by individuals in Spain. It also contains recommendations on how to make sure that the enjoyment of these rights is ensured in the future.

URL www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/510019/IPOL_STU%282015%29510019_EN.pdf
Tipo de documento Informe
Impacto en el sistema sanitario --
Impacto en la salud --