Assessing the Consequences of External Reference Pricing for Global Access to Medicines and Innovation: Economic Analysis and Policy Implications

Background: External reference pricing (ERP) is used to set pharmaceutical prices to improve affordability, but its application may have negative consequences on patient access—thus, equity—across countries and on global innovation. With the United States contemplating ERP, negative effects could be magnified. Our aim: identify and quantify some major consequences of ERP. Research design, methods: Besides…

Assessing Prevalence and Factors Related to Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Multinomial Logistic Analysis

Frailty is an age-related clinical condition that typically involves a deterioration in the physiological capacity of various organ systems and heightens the patient’s susceptibility to stressors. For this reason, one of the main research goals currently being addressed is that of characterising the impact of frailty in different settings. The main aim of this study…

Assessing Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Community-Dwelling Older Patients Using the Updated Version of STOPP-START Criteria: A Comparison of Profiles and Prevalences with Respect to the Original Version

Emerging and changing evidence made it necessary to update STOPP-START criteria, and version 2 was published recently. In this study the objectives were to determine the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication prescribing (PIM) in primary care using STOPP versions 1 (v1) and 2 (v2), as well as 2012 AGS Beers criteria, and analyze the factors…

Asociación entre la caminabilidad del barrio de residencia y la mortalidad por distintas causas en Andalucía

Objetivo Describir la asociación entre la caminabilidad del barrio de residencia y la mortalidad. Método Estudio ecológico de áreas pequeñas. Se calcularon las razones de mortalidad estandarizadas (RME) y el Walk Score© en cada sección censal. Los valores se compararon con pruebas paramétricas y no paramétricas. Resultados En los hombres, las RME medias para enfermedades…

Aromatic DNA adducts and breast cancer risk: a case-cohort study within the EPIC-Spain

Epidemiologic evidence linking environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) with breast cancer is limited. Measurement of DNA adducts formed by aromatic compounds, including PAH, has been carried in breast tissue samples and white blood cells from women with breast cancer and different kinds of controls. However, these studies provide inconsistent results and bias cannot…

Are costs derived from diagnosis-related groups suitable for use in economic evaluations? A comparison across nine European countries in the European Healthcare and Social Cost Database

Background Economic evaluation of health technologies requires healthcare resources, procedures and services to be valued at their opportunity cost. In practice, many economic evaluation studies use official databases of hospital Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs) as inputs where unit costs are required. This study describes the available data on costs of hospital DRG from official, publicly available…

Approach to identifying research gaps on vector-borne and other infectious diseases of poverty in urban settings: scoping review protocol from the VERDAS consortium and reflections on the project’s implementation

Background This paper presents the overall approach undertaken by the “VEctor boRne DiseAses Scoping reviews” (VERDAS) consortium in response to a call issued by the Vectors, Environment and Society unit of the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases hosted by the World Health Organization. The aim of the project was to undertake…

Anticoncepción de urgencia y objeción de conciencia: un debate sin cerrar

El objetivo de este editorial es reflexionar sobre la anticoncepción de urgencia y las posibles implicaciones para la salud pública de la reciente Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional (STC) sobre el recurso de amparo interpuesto por el cotitular de una oficina de farmacia por supuesta vulneración del derecho a la objeción de conciencia al haber sido…

Anticipated prehospital decision delay in response to different symptom clusters in acute coronary syndrome: Results from the Spanish Cardiobarometer study

Background and objective Reducing patient decision delay – the time elapsed between symptom onset and the moment the patient decides to seek medical attention – can help improve acute coronary syndrome survival. Patient decision delay is typically investigated in retrospective studies of acute coronary syndrome survivors that are prone to several biases. To offer an…

Anticipated help-seeking for cancer symptoms before and after the coronavirus pandemic: results from the Onco-barometer population survey in Spain

Background The patient interval—the time patients wait before consulting their physician after noticing cancer symptoms—contributes to diagnostic delays. We compared anticipated help-seeking times for cancer symptoms and perceived barriers to help-seeking before and after the coronavirus pandemic. Methods Two waves (pre-Coronavirus: February 2020, N = 3269; and post-Coronavirus: August 2020, N = 1500) of the Spanish Onco-barometer population survey were compared.…