Efectividad de una intervención para mejorar los resultados clínicos con autogestión de la diabetes en pacientes con bajo nivel educativo

Objetivo Determinar si una intervención basada en la comunicación médico-paciente es más efectiva que la atención habitual en la mejora del autocontrol de la diabetes en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con bajo nivel educativo. Métodos Ensayo controlado aleatorizado pragmático por agrupación de 12 meses. Participaron en el estudio nueve profesionales médicos y 184 pacientes…

Effectiveness of patient-targeted interventions to promote cancer screening among ethnic minorities: A systematic review

Background Cancer is a major public health problem due to its incidence, morbidity and mortality. A large proportion of cancer cases and deaths could be prevented through the implementation of cancer screening programmes. However, there are social inequalities in patient access to these programmes, especially in underserved communities and minority populations. Objective To identify, characterise…

Incidence and survival time trends for Spanish children and adolescents with leukaemia from 1983 to 2007

Objective We have analysed incidence and survival trends of children and adolescents with leukaemia registered in Spanish population-based cancer registries during the period 1983–2007. Methods Childhood and adolescent leukaemia cases were drawn from the 11 Spanish population-based cancer registries. For survival, registries with data for the period 1991–2005 and follow-up until 31-12-2010 were included. Overall…

Características de los ‪ingresos hospitalarios‬ de las personas ‪‎sin hogar‬ en ‪Sevilla‬

Fundamentos: Las personas sin hogar presentan una mayor morbi-mortalidad que las que sí lo tienen. Este hecho no ha sido investigado suficientemente en España desde la perspectiva de la atención hospitalaria. El objetivo fue conocer las características de las hospitalizaciones de las personas sin hogar en dos hospitales de Sevilla. Métodos: Estudio observacional de 103.802…

Diet Quality Scores and Prediction of All-Cause, Cardiovascular and Cancer Mortality in a Pan-European Cohort Study

Scores of overall diet quality have received increasing attention in relation to disease aetiology; however, their value in risk prediction has been little examined. The objective was to assess and compare the association and predictive performance of 10 diet quality scores on 10-year risk of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality in 451,256 healthy participants to…

Prevalencia de la violencia de parejas en España: estudio transversal a través de cuestionario en la atención primaria

Objetivos 1) Analizar la prevalencia de Violencia de Pareja por tipos. 2) Examinar la relación entre las características sociodemográficas y la Violencia de Pareja. Diseño Estudio transversal a través de cuestionario autoadministrado. Emplazamiento Centros de Atención Primaria en España. Participantes 10.322 mujeres (de 18 a 70 años) asistentes a Centros de Atención Primaria. Mediciones principales…

Prediagnostic selenium status and hepatobiliary cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort

Background: Selenium status is suboptimal in many Europeans and may be a risk factor for the development of various cancers, including those of the liver and biliary tract. Objective: We wished to examine whether selenium status in advance of cancer onset is associated with hepatobiliary cancers in the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and…

Comparison of abdominal adiposity and overall obesity in relation to risk of small intestinal cancer in a European Prospective Cohort

The etiology of small intestinal cancer (SIC) is largely unknown, and there are very few epidemiological studies published to date. No studies have investigated abdominal adiposity in relation to SIC. Methods We investigated overall obesity and abdominal adiposity in relation to SIC in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), a large prospective…

Association between organochlorine pesticide exposure and thyroid hormones in floriculture workers

Several studies have suggested that exposure to DDT may be related to changes in thyroid hormone levels in animals and humans, even though results across studies are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to assess the association between exposure to p,p’-DDE (a stable metabolite of DDT) and serum levels of thyroid hormones in floriculture…

Adoption of trastuzumab for breast cancer in four emerging countries in the use of health technology assessment: a case study

Aim: To describe processes for the adoption of trastuzumab in four countries in the use of health technology assessment (HTA): Poland, Albania, Brazil and Colombia. Materials & methods: Mixed methods were used for collection and triangulation of data. Data were examined following a conceptual framework connecting HTA process steps and key principles. Results: Trastuzumab was…