Barriers and Benefits of the Scheduled Telephone Referral Model (DETELPROG): A Qualitative Approach

The recently developed scheduled mobile-telephone referral model (DETELPROG) has achieved especially important results in reducing waiting days for patients, but it has been decided to explore what barriers and positive aspects were detected by both primary care physicians (PCPs) and hospital attending physicians (HAPs) regarding its use. For this, a qualitative descriptive study was carried…

Autopercepción de las personas responsables en los equipos sanitarios de Andalucía. Estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo

Objetivo Conocer la percepción y autovaloración de los y las responsables de equipos sanitarios de Andalucía sobre el liderazgo. Material y métodos Diseño exploratorio descriptivo mixto cuantitativo-cualitativo, llevado a cabo entre 2013 y 2015, usando un cuestionario de elaboración propia y una entrevista semiestructurada. Emplazamiento: Andalucía. Participantes: total de responsables de las unidades de gestión…

Autopercepción de las personas responsables en los equipos sanitarios de Andalucía. Estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo

Objetivo Conocer la percepción y autovaloración de los y las responsables de equipos sanitarios de Andalucía sobre el liderazgo. Material y métodos Diseño exploratorio descriptivo mixto cuantitativo-cualitativo, llevado a cabo entre 2013 y 2015, usando un cuestionario de elaboración propia y una entrevista semiestructurada. Emplazamiento: Andalucía. Participantes: total de responsables de las unidades de gestión…

Autoimmunity plays a role in the onset of diabetes after 40 years of age

Aims/hypothesis Type 1 and type 2 diabetes differ with respect to pathophysiological factors such as beta cell function, insulin resistance and phenotypic appearance, but there may be overlap between the two forms of diabetes. However, there are relatively few prospective studies that have characterised the relationship between autoimmunity and incident diabetes. We investigated associations of…

Autocuidado ético y emocional para sanitariosEthical and emotional self-care for health professionals

La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha puesto de relieve, una vez más, las carencias con relación a las habilidades para el autocuidado ético y emocional por parte de los profesionales sanitarios de este país. En la presente colaboración se revisan brevemente algunas de las iniciativas realizadas para paliar dicha carencia, se sugieren diversas preguntas esenciales…

Attitudes, Perceptions and Practices of Influenza Vaccination in the Adult Population: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey in Spain

In Spain, the 2021/22 influenza season overlapped with the sixth wave of the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). Influenza is a major public health problem associated with high morbidity and mortality. The objectives of this study were to determine the knowledge, perceptions and practices of influenza vaccination in the Spanish population, coinciding with the COVID-19…

Atención sanitaria al malestar premenstrual. La perspectiva de las mujeres

Objetivo Existe una alta prevalencia de malestar premenstrual en las mujeres españolas que conlleva efectos negativos como el detrimento de su calidad de vida. Adoptando el enfoque biopsicosocial, este estudio pretende conocer las vivencias y las experiencias de las mujeres, indagar en sus creencias y actitudes sobre el síndrome premenstrual y la eliminación de la…

Associations of residential and occupational history with the distribution of persistent pollutant mixtures in adipose tissue samples

This research aims to explore clusters of a mixture of 15 Persistent Toxic Substances (PTSs) in the adipose tissue of 227 individuals of an adult cohort from Granada Province (Southern Spain). Information about residence and occupation during participants lifetime was gathered by means of validated questionnaires. Clusters of pollutants in the study population were identified…

Associations of persistent organic pollutants in serum and adipose tissue with breast cancer prognostic markers

This study aimed to evaluate associations between exposure to a group of persistent organic pollutants, measured in both adipose tissue and serum samples from breast cancer patients, and a set of tumor prognostic markers. The study population comprised 103 breast cancer patients recruited in Granada, Southern Spain. Data for tumor prognostic markers were retrieved from…

Associations of persistent organic pollutants in human adipose tissue with retinoid levels and their relevance to the redox microenvironment

Humans are exposed to a myriad of chemical substances in both occupational and environmental settings. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have drawn attention for their adverse effects including cancer and endocrine disruption. Herein, the objectives were 1) to describe serum and adipose tissue retinol levels, along with serum retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) concentrations, and 2)…