Impacto del dolor crónico discapacitante: resultados de un estudio poblacional transversal con entrevista cara a cara

Objetivo Conocer el impacto del dolor crónico discapacitante (DCD) en la calidad de vida, el trabajo, el consumo de medicamentos y la utilización de servicios sanitarios. Diseño Estudio poblacional transversal con entrevista cara a cara y diseño muestral complejo. Emplazamiento Encuesta Andaluza de Salud (edición 2011). Participantes Un total de 6.507 personas ≥ 16 años (p = q = 0,5; nivel…

Priorities for health economic methodological research: results of an expert consultation

Background: The importance of economic evaluation in decision making is growing with increasing budgetary pressures on health systems. Diverse economic evidence is available for a range of interventions across national contexts within Europe, but little attention has been given to identifying evidence gaps that, if filled, could contribute to more efficient allocation of resources. One…

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology in People affected by Home Eviction in Spain

Despite the higher proportion of foreclosures and home evictions executed in Spain, compared to other countries, and the known link between social exclusion and mental health problems, studies exploring this association in Spain remain scarce. This study investigated the link between the process of home eviction and the appearance of symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder…

Health technology assessment process of a cardiovascular medical device in four different settings

Aim: Health technology assessment (HTA) is a tool to help the decision-making process. The aim is to describe methods and processes used in the reimbursement decision making for drug-eluting stents (DES) in four different settings. Methods: DES as a technology under study was selected according to different criteria, all of them agreed by a working…

Expression of placental regulatory genes is associated with fetal growth

The placenta is the principal organ regulating respiratory, nutritional, endocrine and metabolic functions on behalf of the developing fetus. Changes in gene expression patterns of placenta-specific genes may influence fetal growth. We profiled the expression of 17 genes related to placenta functioning in term placentas (n=677) to identify genes differentially expressed across birth weight categories…

Socio-demographic, lifestyle, and dietary determinants of essential and possibly-essential trace element levels in adipose tissue from an adult cohort

There is increasing evidence linking levels of trace elements (TEs) in adipose tissue with certain chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes or obesity). The objectives of this study were to assess concentrations of a selection of nine essential and possibly-essential TEs in adipose tissue samples from an adult cohort and to explore their socio-demographic, dietary, and lifestyle…

Identificación de indicadores de resultado en salud en atención primaria. Una revisión de revisiones sistemáticas

Introducción Las medidas de resultados están siendo ampliamente utilizadas por los servicios sanitarios para evaluar la calidad de la atención sanitaria. Disponer de una batería de indicadores de resultados de alta validez y factibilidad y que además sean de utilidad resulta de gran importancia. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión de…

Physical activity, mediating factors and risk of colon cancer: insights into adiposity and circulating biomarkers from the EPIC cohort

Background: There is convincing evidence that high physical activity lowers the risk of colon cancer; however, the underlying biological mechanisms remain largely unknown. We aimed to determine the extent to which body fatness and biomarkers of various biologically plausible pathways account for the association between physical activity and colon cancer.Methods: We conducted a nested case-control…

Separate and combined associations of obesity and metabolic health with coronary heart disease: a pan-European case-cohort analysis

Aims The hypothesis of ‘metabolically healthy obesity’ implies that, in the absence of metabolic dysfunction, individuals with excess adiposity are not at greater cardiovascular risk. We tested this hypothesis in a large pan-European prospective study. Methods and results We conducted a case-cohort analysis in the 520 000-person European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (‘EPIC-CVD’).…