Interplay between genetic predisposition, macronutrient intake and type 2 diabetes incidence: analysis within EPIC-InterAct across eight European countries

Aims/hypothesis Gene–macronutrient interactions may contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes but research evidence to date is inconclusive. We aimed to increase our understanding of the aetiology of type 2 diabetes by investigating potential interactions between genes and macronutrient intake and their association with the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Methods We investigated the…

Identificación de indicadores de buenas prácticas en gestión clínica y sanitaria

Objetivo Identificar buenas prácticas para desarrollar e implementar indicadores de resultados en salud para la gestión clínica y sanitaria. Metodología Revisión exploratoria de la literatura (scoping review), con las fases: 1) búsqueda e identificación de bibliografía; 2) selección de documentos relevantes. Se incluyeron estudios que discutían buenas prácticas para la utilización de indicadores en salud…

Is low survival for cancer in Eastern Europe due principally to late stage at diagnosis?

Background Cancer survival has persistently been shown to be worse for Eastern European and UK/Ireland patients than those of other European regions. This is often attributed to later stage at diagnosis. However, few stage-specific survival comparisons are available, so it is unclear whether poorer quality treatment or other factors also contribute. For the first time,…

Visión crítica y argumentación sobre los programas de atención de la cronicidad en Atención Primaria y Comunitaria

El análisis detallado de los planes de atención a la cronicidad desarrollados por los servicios regionales de salud pone de manifiesto un sorprendente nivel de uniformidad en su diseño y despliegue, a pesar de las diferencias existentes entre dichos servicios. La revisión de la literatura sobre los modelos teóricos que lo sustentan y los instrumentos…

Acceptance or decline of requests to review manuscripts: A gender-based approach from a public health journal

Peer review in the scientific publication is widely used as a method to identify valuable knowledge. Editors have the task of selecting appropriate reviewers. We assessed the reasons given by potential reviewers for declining a request to review, and the factors associated with acceptance, taking into account the difference in the sex of the reviewer.…

Impact of the Great Recession in the Social Welfare Indicators Related to the Labour Market in Andalusia

El desempleo, la privación económica y la pobreza son indicadores de bienestar social. Todos forman un ciclo de factores encadenados que comienza con la pérdida del empleo. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir la evolución del desempleo, la privación económica, la pobreza y el autoempleo en hombres y mujeres en Andalucía durante el período…

Tumor-associated auto-antibodies as early detection markers for ovarian cancer? A prospective evaluation

Immuno-proteomic screening has identified several tumor-associated auto-antibodies (AAb) that may have diagnostic capacity for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer, with AAbs to P53 proteins and cancer-testis antigens (CTAGs) as prominent examples. However, the early detection potential of these AAbs has been insufficiently explored in prospective studies. We performed ELISA measurements of AAbs to CTAG1A, CTAG2, P53,…

Interaction of Dietary and Genetic Factors Influencing Body Iron Status and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Within the EPIC-InterAct Study

OBJECTIVE Meat intake has been consistently shown to be positively associated with incident type 2 diabetes. Part of that association may be mediated by body iron status, which is influenced by genetic factors. We aimed to test for interactions of genetic and dietary factors influencing body iron status in relation to the risk of incident…