Factors associated with serum ferritin levels and iron excess: results from the EPIC-EurGast study

Purpose Excess iron is involved in the development of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. We aimed to describe the prevalence of excess iron and its determinants in healthy European adults. Methods Sociodemographic, lifestyle, iron status, dietary information, and HFE genotyping were obtained from controls from the nested case–control study…

Factors associated with prolonged episodes of mechanical restraint in mental health hospitalisation units in Andalusia

Introduction Factors associated with prolonged episodes of mechanical restraint and other coercive interventions are not clearly established and have been not studied in Andalusia (Spain). Aim To study factors associated with prolonged episodes of mechanical restraint. Method We analysed retrospectively episodes of mechanical restraint (N=6267, prolonged episode >9.5 hours) in all public mental health hospitalisation…

Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Multinomial Logistic Analysis

The main aim of this study was to determine the association of various clinical, functional and pharmacological factors with the physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) summary components of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of community-dwelling older adults. Design: Cross-sectional study. Patients and setting: Sample of 573 persons aged over 65 years, recruited at 12…

Factores predictores de la institucionalización de personas mayores en situación de dependencia en Andalucía

Objetivo El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la necesidad de apostar por la articulación de una estrategia de ética que incluya 2 de los pilares básicos que afectan al bienestar de las personas, la atención de los servicios sanitarios y de los servicios sociales. El objetivo es realizar un acercamiento a la percepción de profesionales de…

Factores asociados a la incidencia y la mortalidad por COVID-19 en las comunidades autónomas

Objetivo Analizar la evolución de la epidemia de COVID-19 después del estado de alarma e identificar factores asociados a las diferencias entre las comunidades autónomas. Método Estudio ecológico que utilizó variables epidemiológicas, demográficas, ambientales y sobre la estructura de los servicios sanitarios como variables explicativas. El periodo de análisis fue desde el 15 de marzo…

Factores asociados a la demora prehospitalaria en hombres y mujeres con síndrome coronario agudo.

Fundamento. Identificar factores asociados a la demora prehospitalaria en personas que han tenido un síndrome coronario agudo Material y métodos. Se estudiaron mediante encuesta pacientes ingresados por síndrome coronario agudo en los 33 hospitales públicos andaluces, obteniéndose información sobre diferentes tipos de variables: socio-demográficas, contextuales, clínicas, percepción, actuaciones, y transporte. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión…

External Validation and Recalibration of a Mortality Prediction Model for Patients with Ischaemic Stroke

Background: Stroke is a highly prevalent disease that can provoke severe disability. We evaluate a predictive model based on the Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS) compiled by the Spain Health Ministry, obtained for the period 2008–2012 for patients with ischaemic stroke in Spain, to establish the model’s validity and to optimise its calibration. The MBDS…

Expression of placental regulatory genes is associated with fetal growth

The placenta is the principal organ regulating respiratory, nutritional, endocrine and metabolic functions on behalf of the developing fetus. Changes in gene expression patterns of placenta-specific genes may influence fetal growth. We profiled the expression of 17 genes related to placenta functioning in term placentas (n=677) to identify genes differentially expressed across birth weight categories…

Exploring available options in characterising the health impact of industrially contaminated site

Industrially contaminated sites (ICS) are of high concern from an environmental public health perspective, since industrial plants may produce a widespread contamination that can result in several health impacts on the populations living in their neighbourhood. The objective of this contribution is to briefly explore available options in studying the health impact of ICS, mainly…