Who we are


Jaime Espín Balbino

Work Package Leader / Principal Investigator

Jaime Espín has a PhD in Economics (University of Granada), a Bachelor Degree in Law (University of Granada) and a Master in Health Economics (Andalusian School of Public Health). He has been Visiting Professor in Duke University (Fuqua Business School), Columbia University (Mailman School of Public Health) and Harvard University (Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute); and Visiting Researcher in The University of Chicago.

Prof. Espín is an expert in European pharmaceutical policies and has been external advisor for the European Commission during the High Level Pharmaceutical Forum (Working Group on Pricing). He has been member of the Experts Committee on Pharmaceutical Policies of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), member of the Pricing Policy Group of the WHO/HAI Project on Medicines Prices and Availability and Expert of the WHO Guideline Panel on Country Pharmaceutical Pricing Policies.

He is co-author of the several European Commission publications as “Differences and Commonalities in pricing and reimbursement systems in Europe” and co-editor of the Pan America Health Organization (WHO/PAHO) publications as “The access to high cost medicines in the Americas” and “Guideline for implementing generic strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean as a mechanism to improve access to medicines”.


Zuzana Špacírová


Zuzana Špacírová has a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Granada and a Master in Health Economics and Health Administration from the Andalusian School of Public Health. She is Research Fellow in the Andalusian School of Public Health. She has experience in health technology assessment, cost analysis, economic evaluation of health technologies and decision modelling.


Leticia García Mochón


Leticia García-Mochón has a PhD in Economics by University of Granada and a Master in Health Economics and health administration by the Andalusian School of Public Health. She is Research Fellow in the Andalusian School of Public Health since 2006. Her research is centred on health economics, health management, health technology assessment, cost analysis and economic evaluation of health technology. She has participated in several commissioned reports for the HTA Agency in Spain (AETSA), and has collaborate in several national and international research projects using economic evaluation and cost analysis techniques.


Joan Rovira Forns


Areas of interest: Health Economics, Economic Evaluation, Drug Regulation.

Technical Engineer, Doctor in Economics. Professor Emeritus, University of Barcelona. Associate Professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health. Coordinator of the first postgraduate course in Spain on Health Economics. Research Director of SOIKOS, SL (Center for Studies in Health Economics and Social Policy) (1988-2006). Senior Health Economist for Pharmaceuticals, World Bank (2001-2004).

Consultant for public and private organizations: Ministry of Health, Catalonia. DG of Pharmacy and Health Products, Ministry of Health. Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, IDB, EC, WHO, PAHO, OECD, UNIDO. Farmaindustria, pharmaceutical industry.

Professional experience as a consultant in Spain, Brazil, Moldova, Romania, Indonesia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala, Kenya, Mexico, Vietnam.

Former President of the Health Economics Association (Spain). Former Board Member of ISPOR. Editor in Chief Emeritus of Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation.


David Mark Epstein


DAVID EPSTEIN is associate professor at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Granada, Spain. He was previously a research fellow at the University of York, and worked before that in UK hospitals and commissioning bodies as a management accountant. He has an MSc from the University of York and a PhD from the University of Granada. His research interests include health technology appraisal, meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. David Epstein has participated as health economist in several important clinical trials in vascular surgery and other fields, and participated in several research projects as a health economist at national and international level. He has published extensively with co-authors, including in New England Medical Journal, Lancet, British Medical Journal, British Journal of Surgery, Value in Health, Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics and European Journal of Health Economics. He is currently co-editor of Value in Health and associate editor of Gaceta Sanitaria. He is a member of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, the UK Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, the UK Royal Statistical Society and the Spanish Health Economist’s Association.


Antonio Olry de Labry


Antonio Olry de Labry Lima has a PhD in Public Health (University of Granada), Pharmacy Degree (University of Granada), Master in Public Health and Health Management (Andalusian School of Public Health) and Diploma in health institutions and patient safety. He is a research fellow member of the Center for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP) (2008). He has wide experience in methodological support, Health technology assessment, systematic reviews and analysis of cost effectiveness. In recent years, he has worked on several European projects on health technology assessment.


Emilia R. Ramos Galera

Web developer & designer manager

Emilia Ramos has a MSc in computer enginery by the University of Granada. She began her professional career in private sector, where she carried out tasks such as development & support of ERP systems and DBA as well. Since 2002 she started working in IT department of the Andalusian School of Public Health as a IT specialist carrying out tasks including software development, analysis and maintenance in several IT projects related to consultancy, Research and international health. She is currently working as DBA, web developer, eHealth conference coordinator and teacher in virtual courses.

European Union